top 15 health and fitness tips

top 15 health and fitness tips

 Friends, a healthy lifestyle is very valuable in today's fast-paced life, but it is becoming almost difficult for us to stay healthy and fit in this race of success and wealth.  But if we want to keep our body healthy, then we have to work hard.  Let us understand, what is fitness, fitness measures, healthy body tips, things related to health and fitness, what to do and what to avoid to keep the body fit.

 Why is health important?

      “Health is wealth” and for that special attention is needed on diet.  When our health deteriorates, then it is better to improve health than not to pay attention to it. Health is more important than money, keeping this in mind, we should need to take more care of our health.

       Everyone in the world wants a healthy and prosperous life.  But in the busy life like office, business, home and family, it is becoming difficult these days to find time for oneself.  Such a wrong lifestyle gives rise to many health problems and then we start thinking how to keep our body fit. (Health tips physical fitness during lockdown) For this, you just have to make a little change in your routine.  We hope the tips given below will definitely help you stay healthy.  Let's then see what to do to stay healthy.

 1) Balanced diet-

 To stay healthy, first of all we need to pay special attention to our diet.

 Every day we should follow a well balanced diet.

 best fitness tips hindi

 2) Diet planning-

 Diet planning is very important in your life for good health.

 In your daily food, you should eat nutritious food like protein, minerals, antioxidants, carbohydrates, fiber.

 You need to pay special attention to the number of calories you take.

 3) Fresh fruits and fresh green vegetables-

 Fresh fruits, salads, dry fruits, cereals, curd, milk, cheese such dairy products must be included in the diet.

 Eat fresh green leafy vegetables, healthy foods.

 Include basil leaves, green tea, garlic in the food.

 best health and fitness tips

 4) Fresh food-

 Eat enough fresh food regularly.

 Don't eat stale food.

 Keep your regular meal time fixed.

 5) Do not eat junk food-

 In the diet, you should eat less street food, more oily food, spicy food, junk food.

 Eating too much spicy food also causes acidity.

 6) Non-vegetarian diet-

 Eggs, fish, non-vegetarian foods and soybeans, sunflowers eat such good oily food and good ghee to make health.

 Eat only good food with good fats for the nutrition of the body.

 Whatever food you eat, cook it in the right quantity.

 fitness tips food

 7) Healthy breakfast in the morning-

 Every morning breakfast should be started with a nutritious diet.

 This keeps the stomach full and your mood fresh throughout the day.

 You get energy both physically and mentally.

 For this, such a breakfast full of energy should never be skipped.

 8) Water-

 Along with diet, water is also important for good health of the body.

 Water keeps the body hydrated.

 Adequate water is essential for good health as well as for the skin.

 Due to water, the digestive system remains better.

 Every morning after waking up, you must drink 2 to 3 glasses of water.

 9) Cleanliness-

 Like diet, cleanliness is also necessary for a good body nature.

 Every person should take care of his personal and public hygiene.

 When coming home from outside, before preparing food, you must clean your hands while eating food.

 Use tissue paper or napkin when sneezing.

 fitness health tips wash hands

 10) Sugar and salt –

 Eat less sugar and less salt in your diet.  This will keep the weight under control.

 Consuming too many airtight cold drinks can gradually lead to serious side effects on the body.

 11) Massage the body-

 To stay healthy, it is also necessary to massage the body and your hair once in a week.

 For body massage, use good oils like mustard, olive and coconut.

 Muscles get stronger due to body massage.

 12) Vitamin D-

 Vitamin D is also suitable for a healthy body.

 We need sunlight for Vitamin D.

 Sunshine is very important to the bones.

 13) Get enough sleep-

 The most important thing to keep the body healthy is to get enough sleep and rest.

 We should not stay awake till late night, due to awakening, acidity also becomes a problem.

 Only when you sleep early and wake up early will you get health benefits.

 Watching mobile, TV, laptop late at night does not lead to early sleep.  The result is not picked up early in the morning the next day.  So avoid doing this.

 Make a habit of getting up early in the morning to keep your body healthy and refresh

 14) Relaxation-

 Your own body works like a machine.  That's why the body needs rest.

 Excessive work can impair the functioning of the body.

 Children need about 8 hours of sleep, young people need at least 7 hours of sleep and older people need at least six hours of sleep.

 On holidays, we must try to relax.

 15) Stay away from stress-

 Learn to give yourself some time for good health.

 Try to stay away from stress.

 If you like things, if you have any hobbies, then take out time for them.

 You can also play your favorite game.

 Visit a beautiful tourist destination.

 Try to be happy always.

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